Monday, February 25, 2013

A good day indeed

I had the chance to experience God's kindness and love through a good Samaritan today.

Her actions reminded me how God send His one and only beloved son to earth, to help the woeful soul, to awaken the doubtful ones, to empathize the longing soul and to die for us, the sinful ones, for our salvation, so that we will have eternal life in Christ.

Today is really a good day, which I will give all my thanks to God.

And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, 
“You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
Mark 10 : 21

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise

The extensive measures humans have done, are doing and will do to cave into social convention or in other words, the norm, simply baffles me.

In sociology a social rule refers to any social convention commonly adhered to in a society. These rules are not written in law or otherwise formalized. It is argued that these rules are socially constructed, that these rules act upon every member of a society, but at the same time, are re-produced by the individuals.

In order to gain societal acceptance, mankind are succumbed to uncalled-for social issues, such as peer pressure, racism, discrimination, physical abuse, emotional negligence,moral declination, prostitution, poverty and many more. 

Even right now as we are living in the twenty-first century, we are nowhere close to addressing all these issue yet somehow, one way or another, we manage magnify them. 

Oh well, this adds on to another incredulous never-ending cycle. 

Like what I said, it baffles me, and I am certainly still struggling with this. How I wish, how I wish sometimes that I am Sheldon Cooper. I will have more reasons to be inconceivable at implausible times.
 "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise"

Stay away from fools, for you won't find knowledge on their lips.
Proverbs 14:7

Friday, February 22, 2013

Shadow proves the sunshine

I noticed how my blogging pattern has a monthly cycle. I could lament on my busy schedule of being a Medical student, my endless preparation for the upcoming 34th Asian Medical Students' Conference in July which include tonnes of meetings and appointments and how I just do not feel the need to blog about anything at all and that I have no idea on topics to blog about. 

I have nothing to complain about, because this is what I want and I chose to be. I will save the reasons for me to be a health care professional for another post.

As unhappening things might seem to be for me, I have a good feeling that my end of semester break this coming July and August will be indeed a fruitful one.

First of all, in early July, I will be involved as the organizing committee of The 34th Asian Medical Students' Conference Malaysia. It is a week long conference involving 450 international delegates from 25 countries in the world. I am excited about it. Together with the rest of the team, we have spent nearly 18 months (by July) of sweat and tears to make this happen. All our hard work in preparing and organizing this conference will bear fruit in the end through a wholesome experience and knowledge gained by the delegates regarding community medicine; and through every single friendship made among people from every continent when they are all gathered here for this conference.

Then I am hoping that in early August, I can be part of the Malaysian Medical Fellowship mission team to visit either of these three countries, Sri Lanka, China and Thailand. I have just submitted my application as seen above so now all I need to do is to wait for the committee to screen through my application. 

I came to know about this organization and its program through a friend. I should say that I was quite moved after scrutinizing through its webpage three days ago. I wanted to submit my application to be a volunteer instantaneously but I held back. The fear and worries of visiting a third world country suddenly came flooding me. I have been overseas, but to developed countries such as the United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Bangkok(the developed city of Thailand), Manilla. I know that I am a lucky girl because I had all the great stay, food and sightings in these comfort zone.  Rural villages at any of the countries of my choice are associated with words such as "poor", "grief-stricken", "under-developed" etc.

I prayed about this for the past few days, asking God to give me the courage to overcome my fear. I know that this mission trip will be a meaningful and blessed one, not only to me, but mainly to the less unfortunate people I will come across with during the mission trip. Plus, I really feel the need to step out of my comfort zone and if I am really doing it, by benefiting and helping others, why would not I do it?

I did just complete and submit my application about an hour ago. I am really looking forward to this.

I am glad that I have God to guide me through this right now and much later.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Philippians 4 : 13